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The Michelle Hickey Design Blog

In the archives, you'll find over 100 articles, videos and resources to help you create and share exceptional work online. I hope it inspires you to go make something beautiful.

Keep learning. Keep growing.

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Building a creativity-focused printable design business

Graphic designers have their choice of projects: branding, websites, signage, social graphics, and so on. However, not every job brings the creative fulfillment we dream of. Most of us have been forced to give up our artistic desires in the name of paying the bills at one time or another. But with a little creativity […]

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I’m Michelle.
A modern maker with a classic approach to design. Ever in search
of beautiful typography and
baked goods.
TOp categories
Get your Digital Brand Blueprint
A step by step tutorial on how to design printable art, using BeFunky — a free online graphic design program. // From MichelleHickey.Design in partnership with BeFunky.

This step-by-step tutorial on how to design printable art is sponsored by BeFunky, and compensation was received for my time in developing the post. All thoughts, ideas & opinions are my own.  When you’re just getting started in graphic design— and your online business, your resources are stretched thin. You might not have the time or […]

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The wonders of working ahead. // Do you ever wonder what your fellow creative entrepreneurs are up to? In between the big wins, product launches, and collaborations are the small steps (some forward, some backward) that lead to those turning points. Here's a transparent account of a week in the life of a gal in passionate pursuit of business growth, personal development and those magical milestones. // From MichelleHickey.Design

In preparation for upcoming travel plans, I pushed myself to “work ahead” this week— a concept that’s practically foreign to me. The effects were almost infectious, with my tasks becoming easier and more enjoyable with each passing day. While it meant putting some of those big picture goals on the back burner, I know that […]

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Have you ever wanted to see your printable designs sold in stores? In this interview, we learn that hard work and partnering with the right people is the perfect combination for quickly growing a creative business. Read on to find out how Kyla and her team went from sharing printable designs to selling their products in stores, in under a year.

Many creative people sit on their talents in fear that “there’s already somebody out there doing the same thing.” Kyla from BAECK + ANN, with her artistic roots as her guide, rose above those hesitations and asked the bold question, “why not me?” In this interview, we learn that hard work and partnering with the […]

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The secrets to generating passive income from a printables-based blog - an inspiring expert interview with Creative Entrepreneur, Erin Williams of Printable Crush // From MichelleHickey.Design

Have you ever wondered how to generate passive income from a printables-based blog? In this expert interview, Erin from Printable Crush shares the story of how she evolved her struggling Etsy shop into a successful printables-based blog. She is not only a talented self-taught graphic designer but a savvy entrepreneur. Erin has done an awesome […]

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Is it possible to make money designing printables? You betcha! In this article, I share some of the ways I’ve made money in my printables-based business. When I shared my first printable, I did it to thank my readers (all ten of them at the time) for showing up and supporting me. Little did I […]

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Have you been wondering how to create printable designs that you can share and sell online? Read on for my step-by-step guide! Printables, or print-yourself designs, as many of you know are the backbone of my business. I give them away to my awesome readers on my blog, I sell them online and I convert […]

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Are you interested in sharing and selling your designs online? Here are my best ten tips for creating printables. If you are a frequent reader of my blog Elegance and Enchantment, you know that I pretty much eat, sleep and breathe printables (and also fonts, weddings, and sometimes cupcakes). When I first started creating printables, […]

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on the air

A Podcast for Creatives

Join me and my friend Steve King for a bi-monthly discussion about the complex, messy and beautiful experience that is being a creative.

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Whether you need help developing your brand's aesthetic, or scroll-stopping visual content, I'm here to help you and your business stand out in the digital space.


A modern maker with a classic approach to design.

An elder millennial, I learned graphic design the old-fashioned way, but for the past fifteen years, I’ve practiced those principles in the digital space. The result: content that stands the test of time.

I work with clients to craft everything from the ground up, establishing a strong foundation and energizing your visuals with meaning. Impactful content goes beyond what we see. We’re here to make your audience feel.

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Design. Champagne. Books. Travel. Film + TV. Scenes from my kitchen. And cats.
