Whether it’s a like, share, comment, or message, every interaction is an opportunity to grow your digital brand. In this post you’ll find ten content prompts to engage your audience. Includes examples and fill in the blank text that you can copy/paste.

If you’re an introvert like me, you probably do your best to avoid as many interactions as possible. But online, finding others with shared interests is less scary and far more accessible. Isn’t it the best connecting with people who get you—the kind of folks with whom you genuinely enjoy interacting?
Engaging your audience with conversations that matter
For digital business owners, these kinds of connections are imperative. Connecting with your core audience and providing avenues for them to engage with you and your brand is essential. As you help your community feel respected and heard, you gain the benefit of insights that will aid you in making better business decisions.
Engagement should be the goal of every piece of content you share online. Whether it’s a like, share, comment, a direct message, or an email, all of those actions are opportunities—for a great conversation, a recommendation, a friendship, or a sale.
Pushing past your fears
Maybe you’re not the best conversationalist. Or you don’t want to sound like a phony. And you’re afraid that if you try to engage, and nobody interacts with you, everyone will see, and you’ll look silly. I’ve thought all of those things and other highly creatively irrational fears. But I’ve learned to push past them because I’ve seen the benefits outweigh the risks.
Even if your audience says nothing, but you’re able to leave them with a compelling thought through your content, you’ve engaged them in a way that helps you and your business stay top of mind.
Ten prompts to engage your audience
Here are ten ideas that you can use to spark conversation with your community. Feel free to use these in any digital content, including social media posts, video and blog content, presentations, and even advertisements.
Don’t forget to add your brand’s voice and personal flair to your language to attract the best audience.
Content prompt 1: What do you think?
Prompt your community to share their thoughts about a current issue affecting your niche.
What do you think of the Pantone Color of the Year?
👍 Let’s paint the town.
👎Ugh. Go back to the drawing board.
I need to hear your thoughts.
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
What do you think about __________?
👍 I’m all in.
👎Not into it.
Sound off below!
Content prompt 2: Has this ever happened to you?
Share a personal story that relates to your industry and product/services. Leave the door open for your community to recognize commonalities.
The embarrassing fact I hope my clients will never hold against me. In my first three years of business, I may or may not have broken one, or two, or three cameras (okay, it was five). Thank goodness for insurance. What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever broken?
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
The _________ fact that _________. Here’s what happened: _________. Have you ever_________?
Content prompt 3: The game-changer.
Share a tip or a tool that has changed your life. Ask your audience if they’ve had a similarly positive experience or if they have a different suggestion.
The life-changing magic of my clothes steamer: a love story. I will make room in my suitcase every time.
Which are you?
A. Team Steam
B. Old Iron(sides)
C. Wrinkles add character.
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
The tool that changed the way I _________. Ever since I started using _________, _________ has become so much easier. Have you tried _________ before?
Content prompt 4: Show-off.
Invite your audience to share a visual or a story about their experience with your product or service. Emphasize celebrating their wins as a result of doing business with you.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing my Woodland creatures in the wild. Share a link to a recent project you’ve created using my Woodland illustration pack. I’ll draw a name randomly and gift you the latest Winter Wonderland collection!
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
Version A, for clients: I’m the luckiest to work with _________. Here are some of my favorite recent projects. Which is your favorite?
Version B , for customers: Have I mentioned that I have the best customers? I’ve loved seeing ___________. Share a link or a photo using ________. I’ll choose one and __________.
Content prompt 5: This or that.
Ask your community to vote on an upcoming product or service offering.
Do you want a peek behind the curtain? Starting next month, we’re adding hoodies to our merch lineup. Which look is more your style: A or B?
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
You’re the first to see. Starting_______, we’re beginning to offer_________. A or B? Which _________ has your name on it?
Content prompt 6: The one who…
Share a specific description that would encourage your audience to tag or share with a friend.
There are two types of people. The ones who start listening to Christmas music in July. And Grinches. Click below to download our latest festive playlist. Tag a friend who needs to hear it.
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
There are two types of people. _______ and _________. Here’s a look at __________. Tag a friend who would love it.
Content prompt 7: Dear Abby.
Go to your audience and ask for their advice on a relevant subject to your niche.
The boots on the left are on sale for 50% off. But I’ve been stalking the ones on the right for months, and they are finally off of backorder (who knows for how long)!
Please help me decide! Which one should I buy to bring camping this fall?
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
I’m having a hard time knowing what to do about________. Any ______ experts out there?
Weigh in: what would you do if you were in my position?
Content prompt 8: Blue skies.
Invite your audience to offer insights or suggestions to improve your offering or industry.
Judgement-free zone. What’s your least favorite part about getting your haircut?
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
Your turn to spill. What annoys you most about ________?
Content prompt 9: How it started, how it’s going.
Use the long-running internet trope to share an insight about your business and invite your audience to do the same.
How it started: making a glitter mess on my mom’s kitchen table. How it’s going: making a glitter mess on my kids’ play table. Never grow up.
What’s something you did as a kid that you still do as an adult?
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
How it started <example>. How it’s going <example>. When did you first start________?
Content prompt 10: Hot take.
Share your controversial standpoint on a hot topic. Use this one with discretion.
I’m just going to come out and say it. The coastal grandmother trend needs to jump off of an oceanside cliff. Am I the only one?
Fill in the blanks for your niche:
I might be off-base, but I think __________. If you’re someone who ________, please convince me otherwise.
Engage with content, grow your business
Ready to make these content prompts your own and share them with your audience? Click here to download your Brand Blueprint to ensure you’re communicating in a tone that’ll hit just right with your ideal people.
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